'As her lute doth live or die, led by her passion, so must I: For when of pleasure she doth sing, my thoughts enjoy a sudden spring, but if she doth of sorrow speak, ev'n from my heart the strings do break.' - Thomas Campion
The idiom ‘to tug at the heartstrings’ dates all the way back to the 16th century, when it was believed that emotions vested directly in the nerves and tendons around the heart. With our large set of Spanish and Italian love songs from the same time period, we aim to ‘move the passions’, in accordance with the Renaissance ideal. This concert has a lot of heart, and a lot of strings – no less than five historical plucked string instruments! Our guest lutenist is Vera Vuković. Composers include Kapsberger, Marin, Vásquez, Cara and Landi.

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We tailor-make concert programmes for any event. Send us a note and we will get back to you soon.
- lentelouw@gmail.com
- grosseruwe@gmail.com
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